“ Woodpigeons’ ( Columba palumbus ) autumn migration : a long-term ( 20 years) and short-term ( one year -focus 2017) analytical overview of the detailed peninsular transits in Italy” – OVERVIEW 2018

“ Woodpigeons’ ( Columba palumbus ) autumn migration : a long-term ( 20 years) and short-term ( one year -focus 2017) analytical overview of the detailed peninsular transits in Italy” PAPER OVERVIEW – Collage of Links 2018-IJWR- The work of Club Italiano del Colombaccio 1997-2018 ( Citizen Science) twenty years of Research on the field. Read More …

LEX for HUNTING of two Centuries ago , including rules for hunters of woodpigeons .

LEX for HUNTING of two Centuries ago , including rules for hunters of woodpigeons . Original comment of Andrea Bolzonetti ( Fabriano-Italy) in Italian language ( English automatic translation) La disciplina normativa relativa alla tutela e al prelievo venatorio del colombaccio nelle Province dello Stato Pontificio dall’Editto di Papa Leone XII nel 1826 al disposto Read More …

IJWR – vol. 1 – 2018 PAPERS – Short Comunications

PAPER  ITALIAN JOURNAL  WOODPIGEON RESEARCH – IJWR – 2018                                                                                 IJWR @2018 Vol.1 – PAPERS   MONITORING  WOODPIGEONS ‘s  (Columba Palumbus) 2017 AUTUMN MIGRATION : “DECISION MAKING” of TAKE-OFF and FORECASTING CAVINA Enrico (1),BIANCHI Denis(1),FELIGETTI Vasco(1),GIOVANETTI Graziano(1),BUCCHI Rinaldo (2) Club Italiano del Colombaccio –CIC MSM “Monitoraggio Selettivo” 2017 – CIC Copy  by the courtesy of the Read More …