IJWR – vol.1 – 2018 – DIDACTIC supplement – REVIEW – PAPERS “work in progress”

PAPER – didactic supplement ITALIAN JOURNAL  WOODPIGEON RESEARCH – IJWR – 2018                                                                                 IJWR @2018 Vol.1 – 2018 Publishing date march  2018   WOODPIGEON’s  ANATOMY  – Photographic  Atlas Cavina  Enrico m.d. – surgeon – Club Italiano del Colombaccio https://plus.google.com/photos/103942035281038458760/albums/5802521945641185121 Introduction The aim of the present Atlas is only to show – quite live-real  – the organs … Continue reading IJWR – vol.1 – 2018 – DIDACTIC supplement – REVIEW – PAPERS “work in progress”